About Us

SP3 Technologies LLP is an innovative and insightful technological company in field of Lab Grown Diamonds Founded in 2016, our Incredible Team have worked tirelessly to bring SP3 to the forefront of the industry.
In order to provide excellent Solutions in Lab Grown Diamonds we dedicate time and resources in R & D to give High consistent quality with short lead time and an attractive price. Using our unique technology and products, our company will continue to take on the challenge of tomorrow's need of Lab Grown diamonds for gem, semiconductor, industrial optical etc. application.
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SP3 Technologies

World Largest Lab Grown Diamond

The Shiphra Diamond

03rd, June 2023

IGI has certified a 50.25 carat specimen measuring 22.95 x 18.45 x 11.57 millimeters - the first lab grown diamond to surpass the significant "half-century" mark in carat weight. Submitted to IGI by Ethereal Green Diamond LLP, this gemstone represents a landmark achievement in the lab grown diamond sector

Named "Shiphra," the 50.25 carat lab grown diamond is a Tyle lla emerald cut with G color, VS2 clarity, and Excellent cut, polish, and symmetry. The crystal from which it was polished was grown over a period of eight weeks using Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD). IGI Press Room

CVD Diamond Over 34 Carats Examined in GIA’s Hong Kong Laboratory

03rd, May 2023

Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) growth technology has advanced significantly over the last two decades. In this study, we report on the largest CVD gem diamond GIA has encountered, recently tested in the Hong Kong laboratory. This emerald-cut diamond weighed 34.59 ct, measuring 24.94 × 13.95 × 9.39 mm (figure 1), produced by Ethereal Green Diamond in India. It had G color and VS2 clarity. GIA Press Room

Pride of India

09th, June 2022

The world’s largest independent gemological laboratory, has analyzed and graded a 30.18 carat emerald cut laboratory grown diamond, the world’s largest to date.

Grown using the Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) process, the “Pride of India” was graded to have H color, VS2 clarity. The type IIa rough crystal from which it was fashioned took approximately four weeks to grow. Ethereal Green Diamond, is well-known for producing large, high-quality lab grown diamonds. According to Hirav Anil Virani, Ethereal’s Managing Director, the company plans to continue creating and certifying such exceptional record-setting diamonds. IGI Press Room

Freedom of India

15th, August 2021

IGI India recently certified a 14.60 carat lab grown diamond, reportedly the largest ever produced using the Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) growth method. The recorded weight surpasses the previous record-holder, certified by IGI last November, by nearly two carats.

Judged to be Type IIa, the most chemically pure category, the 14.60 carat F color, VS2 clarity emerald cut has measurements of 13.50 x 13.20 x 8.93 millimeters. Grown by Mumbai-based Ethereal Green Diamond, the record holder has been named Freedom of India, a reference to the country’s 75th Independence Day which occurred on August 15th. IGI Press Room